
The Biophilia Project was born to create opportunities to connect: with nature, with yourself and with others.

Going green is an attitude, a way of life and it is fuelled by the love for nature. We can help initiating and exploring these connections through our programs. Please get in touch if you want to launch a program in your area.

Our Programs


Explore and Play

Explore and Play is an ecotherapy treatment program that utilises nature connection, child led play and child led initiatives, to improve the mental and physical wellbeing of all participants.

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Forest School

Forest School is a child-centred inspirational learning process, that offers opportunities for holistic growth through regular sessions. It is a long-term program that supports play, exploration and supported risk taking. It develops confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting.

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The programs are designed to support child led initiatives and child led play.

Why is unstructured outdoor play so important?

“Play is a natural built-in process that has served our species for a long time. Through play emerge our educational instincts.

The natural environment for learning, the one where learning really thrive, is a space where individuals have the opportunity to have much free time and space in which to play and explore; (b) can mix freely with others of all ages; (c) have access to culturally relevant tools and equipment and are free to play and explore with those items; (d) are free to express and debate any ideas that they wish to express and debate; (e) are free from bullying (which includes freedom from being ordered around arbitrarily by adults); and (f) have a voice that is heard in the group’s decision-making process.”

— Peter Gray, Ph.D.